
February Cupcake Challenge

I know I've done red velvet before but I can't get enough of them How could you not love this luxurious, rippling mixture. Ooozy, dripping, oh-so-good passion. With Valentine's Day knocking on the door (and a wedding for some friends) I decided to cook up a batch of sugary indulgent love for my teaching team.

I have spent a good few weeks moaning about starting back at work.  The hurdles have been phenomenal at my new job and there are many more to come. However, amongst all this, I have failed to point out that I have a great and supportive teaching team. There are 5 ladies who have made me very welcome, who have listened to my endless stories about a life teaching so far away, they have attempted to be as supportive as they possibly could be and seriously, I would be lost without them and their combined knowledge of my new school. I also have a supportive administration, and lets be honest, that's what makes a school. The kids can be great, the teachers can be great but if the admin aren't on the same page it all goes pear shaped. I am lucky. But I'm still struggling with it.

You know when something changes and, even though you didn't like the old stuff, the new stuff seems even worse just because it is new? I think that's where I'm at. So now I've chewed you're ear off lets look at things that don't change, that are always reliable and that will forever make me happy:

My Bloody Valentine Red Velvet Cupcakes
makes about 15
2 cups plain flour
1/4 cup cocoa powder
1 teaspoon bicarb soda
1 1/2 cup caster sugar
1 cup buttermilk
200g butter
2 eggs
1 tablespoon white vinegar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
red food dye

Heat oven to 180 Celsius and prepare muffin tray with paper cases.

In a large bowl combine the flour and cocoa powder. In another bowl use an electric mixer to beat the butter and sugar. Add in the eggs one at a time and then the vanilla. Continue to beat until well combined. Add the butter milk to the egg mixture and stir with a spoon to combine.

Tip the wet mixture into the dry mixture and stir to combine. Add the red food dye to this mixture. How much you use is up to you I find about a tablespoon does the trick but it depends if you are using liquid or gel.

Finally add the bicarb soda and the vinegar on top of all of this. It should fizz a little. Mix it all together, if it is a little lumpy use a handheld whisk to gently smooth it out.

Spoon the mixture into the muffin paper cases and bake for around 20 minutes.

Creamy Valentine Frosting
30 grams butter
80 grams cream cheese
1 1/2 cup icing sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla essence

Beat the cream cheese until it is smooth. Add the butter and continue to beat until mixture is fluffy.

Gradually add the icing sugar, mixing continuously until the icing is at desired consistency and smooth. Add the vanilla and mix through.

Pipe on top of cupcakes or dip cupcake tops into the icing mixture.

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