
the owl & the pussy cat went to sea...

My New Year’s Resolution was not so much “lose weight” or “go on a diet” but “make a lifestyle change for the better”. So far we have beenpretty good. There have been a few nights of wine and cheese binges but we are making progress.
Where we live fresh fruit and vegetables are hard to come by and are often very expensive. For a while last year we were relying solely on frozen vegetables because they were cheaper and better quality than the vegetables available at the shops.
We have ended up with a bit of a build up of packets of frozen vegetables as this year we have had better access to fresh foods. So, not only to reduce our amount of frozen goods, but also for our new healthy lifestyle choices, I decided to start making some vegetable soups one or two nights a week.
Tonight was pea soup. My favourite colour is green. There’s nothingmore excitin
g than seeing the, normally hated, peas turn into a beautiful pureed harlequin paste.
So easy and delicious, Pea Soup is an all rounder and light enough to enjoy even on a hot day. Start off with some peas – I defrosted the frozen ones the night before so they were nice and soft. I put a cup of vegetable stock and about a cup of peas into the blender and pureed. It was very watery so I added in an extra cup or so of peas and pureed some more. It was the perfect consistency.

I put the liquid in a pot and sat it on the stove to heat, adding pepper, onion salt and a dash of cream.

MeanwhileI made some large croutonbread triangles with a bit of oil, butter and garlic in a frying pan.

This may have somewhat diminished the ‘health’ factor of the meal but it was worth it! The soup

was so delicious with just the right amount of ‘liquid chewiness’ that is sometimes hard to achieve– hopefully I can recreate this with some more of our frozen vegetables soon.

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